Beijing Opera Pekese opera京剧Pekinese为北京的,现为Beijing,opera是歌剧的意思 京剧京剧表演英文;Peking opera or Beijing opera Chinese 京剧 is a form of Chinese opera which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and acrobatics It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed。


词典 Beijing opera例句京剧表演英文他拉开架子,唱起京剧表演英文了京剧He assumed a posture and began to sing a part in a Beijing opera双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义 问题三看京剧用英语怎么说 see Beijing Opera 问题四京。

Beijing opera or Peking opera simplified Chinese京剧 traditional Chinese京剧 pinyinJīngjù is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music,vocal performance,mime,dance and acrobaticsIt arose。


京剧 Peking Opera Beijing Opera越剧 Yue Opera 绍兴戏 Shaoxing Opera川剧 Chuan Opera Sichuan Opera梆子戏 Bangzi Opera 以下是对这类翻译的反对意见京剧是中国的国剧,是最能集中代表中华文化特点中国独有的。

e69d3 pinyin Jīngjù is a form of Chinese opera which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance, and。



2、首先要纠正题主一点,那就是京剧的英文名不是“Beijing Opra”,而是“Beijing Opera”或者“Peking Opera”然后我们再来讲它和西方歌剧的区别首先我们要从年份上来讲的话,西方的歌剧比我们中国的京剧走的差不多100多年。

3、peking opera peking opera is one of the Chinese cultureIt is also calledquotThe quintessence of Chinese culturequot It is consist of quotsheng,生,dan旦,jing净,chou丑quot thequot Line of businessquotYou maybe askWhat#39。

4、There are many threaters showed Beijing Opera,such as The Nationl Grand Thearter of China。

5、“京剧”的英语京剧 Beijing opera京剧,曾称平剧,是中国五大戏曲剧种之一,腔调以西皮二黄为主,用胡琴和锣鼓等伴奏,被视为中国国粹,位列中国戏曲三鼎甲“榜首”徽剧是京剧的前身清代乾隆五十五年1790年起。


6、Peking opera,Beijing opera,Peiping Opera,Beijing Opera都行,首字母大写是一定的,作为专用名词,我倾向于两个词首字母都要大写不用加the另外,在专用名词前,即使加the,也不用大写。


7、京剧Peking Opera是中国五大戏曲剧种之一,另外四种分别为越剧Yue Opera黄梅戏Huangmei Opera评剧Ping Opera和豫剧Henan Opera京剧的前身的徽剧Anhui Opera清代乾隆五十五年1790年起,原在南方演出的。

8、Peking Opera, once called pingju, is one of the five major operas in China京剧,曾称平剧,中国五大戏曲剧种之一The scene layout pays attention to freehand brushwork, tone to xipi, erhuang mainly。
