我家乡的地方戏川剧 我的家乡川剧变脸英语介绍,在中国也算是有名的,川菜的发祥地四川这个四川啊,不光有好吃的川菜,优美的景色,还有我们富有特色的川剧川剧的历史,也算比较悠久川剧变脸英语介绍了,据记载,明末清初,由于各地移民入川。


putting the sleeve or shaking his head, the actors use different types of facial makeup to show different emotions, and by seeing, touching the face of the expression can not see, can not touch the feeling。


民间艺术 简介 相传“变脸”是古代人类面对凶猛的野兽,为了生存把自己脸部用不同 变脸 的方式勾画出不同形态,以吓唬入侵的野兽川剧把“变脸”搬上舞台,用绝妙的技巧使它成为一门独特的艺术文化 中国戏曲的情绪化妆。

The day beats with a club strikes the orchestra Is one take the Chinese music style as the foundation attack orchestra, with modern technique deduction, what presents for the audience is namely classical the。
